The economy of Pakistan heavily depends upon the Cotton crop. Cotton contribute 1.4 percent in the GDP of Pakistan. During July-March 2013-14, material industry got unfamiliar trade of US $ 10.385 billion. During 2013-14, On an area of 2806 thousand hectares the Cotton crop was cultivated, And that was 2.5 percent less than last year’s area because last year cultivated area 2879 thousand hectares.In 2013-14 the target was about 14.1 million bales but the Production was 12.8 million bales. Because of all these reasons and fall of rates of cotton lot of farmer's in some district of Punjab start cultivating rice and maize instead of Cotton due to their better rates.
English Name: Cotton
Urdu Name: Kapas
Scientific Name: Gossypium herbaceum
Family: Malvaceae
1. Seed rate
Germination Delinted seed Fuzzy seed
50% 6kg/acre 8kg/acre
60% 8kg/acre 10kg/acre
>75% 10kg/acre 12kg/acre
2. Delinting
Quantity: 1 litre for 10kg fuzzy seed.
Type of Acid: Commercial Sulfuric Acid
3. Seed treatment
For cotton seed treatment is important. Treat the seed with insecticide i.e., Escort @ 5g/kg seed or Contest @ 7g/kg seed, to prevent the seed from whitefly and other bugs. To protect the seed from soil born & seed born seedling sicknesses, treat the seed with fungicide i.e., Terranil or Combinex @ 5g/kg seed.
4. Plant population
Time of sowing Plant population/Acre. Row-Row Distance. Plant-Plant Distance
Early sowing (March)
Plant population/acre: 14000-17500
Row-Row Distance: 30 inches
Plant-Plant Distance: 12-15 inches
Medium sowing (April)
Plant population/acre: 17500-23000
Row-Row Distance: 30 inches
Plant-Plant Distance: 9-12 inches
Late sowing (till 15 May)
Plant population/acre: 14000-17500
Row-Row Distance: 30 inches
Plant-Plant Distance: 12-15 inches
5. Land Preparation
Deep Ploughing, Land leveling, Single Rouni followed by double Rouni.
6. Sowing Method
Two of the most beneficial and most used sowing methods are:
Drill sowing
Ridge sowing
7. Sowing time
Upper punjab = 2nd week of April
Central punjab = Mid April
Lower punjab = May to Mid June
8. Irrigation
Drill sowing
1st Irrigation should be after 30-35 day's after sowing. Other irrigations should have to provide in 12-15 day's intervals.
Ridge sowing
1st irrigation should be after 3-4 day's after sowing. 2nd, 3rd & 4th irrigations should be after 6-9 day's and others after 15 day's of interval.
9. Fertilizer (kg/acre)
Sowing between (15 March - 15 April)
N P k
160 kg 60 kg 50 kg
Sowing between (15 April - 15 May)
80 kg 46 kg 38 kg
10. Weed Control
To control the weeds should have to apply for Pre-emergence herbicide i.e., TOP MAX @ 900 ml/acre.
11. Pest management
A. Bol Rot
- Management
Crop Rotation i.e., sowing of sorghum for 2-3 year's.
Apply the insecticide after consulting with Agriculture officer.
B. Bacterial of Cotton
- Management
Use insect resistant varieties.
Rotation of crop with soyabean and maize.