For Pakistan Rice is an important crop as well as for National economy. 2.7% value is added by rice in Agriculture and 0.6% in GDP. Among the staple food rice Ranked 2nd in the Pakistan. In recent years rice is the major source of earnings through Foreign exchange.
Family: Poaceae
English name: Rice
Common name: Munji
Scientific name: Oryza Sativa
Production technology:
1. Time of sowing:
Nursery sowing:
20th May- 7th June for Coarse varieties.
1st June - 20th June For Basmati Varieties.
Transplant the seedlings between 25th June - 25 July.
Row-Row Distance = 9 inch
Plant-Plant Distance = 9 inch
2. Seed Rate:
Seed rate for rice is 8 Kg/acre.
3. Seed treatment:
Before sowing, soak the seed in 10L water containing Streptocycline @1mg + Carbendazim @20mg For 10 hour's.
4. Soil management:
After the harvesting of wheat sow green manure crop like cow pea 12kg/acre till 1st week of may and bury the crop into soil with Rotavator after 6-8 week's. It saves upto 25kg of Nitrogen in one Acre of land. Then Puddle the field with the help of cultivator followed by planking.
5. Irrigation:
Number of irrigation required for rice crop are 16 and the delta of water for Rice crop is 48 inch/acre.
6. Fertilizer:
N : P : K
50 : 12 : 12 kg/acre
7. Varieties:
Basmati 370, Basmati Pak , Basmati 385, Super Basmati, Kernal Basmati, Shaheen Basmati, Basmati 2000, KSK-133, KS-282
8. Pest management:
- Bacterial Blight:
In 200 Ltr of water add Tebuconazole or Tilt 25 EC@200 ml or Carbendazim 25% @200 gm and spray over the crop. Then repeat it after 15 day's.
- False smut:
In 200 Ltr of water add Copper oxychloride@ 500mg/acre and spray. Then after the 10 day's interval spray with Tilt 20 EC@ 200ml/200Ltr of water.
- Brown leaf spot:
When the crop reaches the booting stage. In 200 Ltr of water add Tebuconazole @ 200 ml or Propiconazole @200 ml and spray over the crop. Repeat the same process after 15 day's.
- Leaf blast:
In 200 Ltr of water add Zineb@500 mg/acre and spray over the crop.